The NCEC ‘Horseland Canberra’ and ‘E.W. Glass’ Annual Point Score is open to all NCEC members and points are awarded based on NCEC Annual Point Score eligibility and rules as attached below:
NCEC Annual Pointscore Awards Rules and Regulations
2024-25 Annual Pointscore – progressive
The annual pointscore is calculated from competitions held 1 July to 30 June the following year.
The NCEC Annual Awards (pointscore) is proudly sponsored by two local businesses E.W Glass PTY LTD and Horseland Canberra. We are grateful for their ongoing support and generosity.
E.W Glass PTY Ltd sponsors the following awards:
HOTY CU/CR Preparatory, Preliminary and Novice
Horseland Canberra sponsors the following awards:
HOTY Preliminary – FEI
Our AGM/Presentation night will be held on Monday 9 September 2024 in the Whitlam Romm at Canberra Labour Club Belconnen, commencing at 6:30pm with supper provided. All members and their guests are most welcome to attend. Our very small committee would welcome more of our members onto the committee to support us with some of the roles such as pointscore coordinator etc.
Previous Pointscore
2023/2024 pointscore HOTY
2023/2024 pointscore ROTY
2021 – 2022 ROTY Rider of the Year
2021 – 2022 HOTY Horse of the Year
2019/2020 ROTY & HOTY